Electric and electronic equipment

Electric and electronic equipment

Electric and electronic equipment - Basic definitions

Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)

means equipment which is dependent on electric current or electromagnetic field in order to work and equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such current and field and designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding 1000 V for alternating current and 1500 V for direct current.

Producer of EEE

means any sole trader or legal person who, irrespective of the selling technique used, including mail order and internet sale,

  1. has his or her registered office or place of business within the territory of the Slovak Republic and manufactures EEE under his or her own name or trademark, or has EEE designed or manufactured and markets it under his or her own name or trademark
  2. has his or her registered office or place of business within the territory of the Slovak Republic and resells within the territory of the Slovak Republic, under his or her own name or trademark, EEE manufactured by other suppliers; a reseller shall not be regarded as the producer if the brand of the producer appears on the EEE, as provided for under 1
  3. has his or her registered office or place of business within the territory of the Slovak Republic and places, in the context of commercial activity, on the market in the Slovak Republic EEE from another Member State or a state other than a Member State
  4. sells within the territory of the Slovak Republic EEE by means of distance communication directly to private households or other users and has his or her registered office or place of business in another Member State or a state other than a Member State (hereinafter “foreign producer of EEE”)
  5. has his or her registered office or place of business within the territory of the Slovak Republic and in the context of his or her commercial activity, on the basis of a distance contract, sells EEE directly to a user in another Member State (hereinafter “distant producer of EEE”)
Distributor of EEE

means any sole trader or legal person in the supply chain, who make EEE available on the market in the context of his or her commercial activity; a distributor may at the same time be a producer of EEE.

Distributor of EEE who directly supplies to the end-user EEE originating from the producer of EEE not registered in the Producers’ Registry of specified products shall, in relation to such EEE and the waste arising therefrom, undertake the obligation of the producer of EEE pursuant to this Waste Act.

Placing EEE on the market

means the first making available of EEE on the market in the Slovak Republic in the context of a commercial activity.
According to the annex no.6 section II. of Waste Act No. 79/2015 Coll.

  1. Temperature exchange equipment
  2. Screens, monitors, and equipment containing screens having a surface greater than 100 cm² Lamps
  3. Large equipment (any external dimension more than 50 cm) (with any outside dimension greater than 50 cm)
  4. Small equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm)
  5. Small IT and telecommunication equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm)